Congratulations to all of the 2018 ENNIE Award Nominees and Winners!
Best Adventure
The Two-Headed Serpent, Chaosium Inc. Authors: Paul Fricker, Scott Forward, Matt Sanderson
Six of Swords, Green Ronin Publishing Authors: Jaym Gates, Steven Jones, Kira Magrann, Alejandro Melchor, Malcolm Sheppard, Rebecca Wise
Seven Worlds Campaign Book, Intellistories Author: Luis Enrique Torres
Delta Green: A Night at the Opera, Arc Dream Publishing Authors: Dennis Detwiller, Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze *Silver Winner*
The Dark of Hot Springs Island, Swordfish Islands Authors: Jacob Hurst, Evan Peterson, Donnie Garcia *Gold Winner*
Best Aid/Accessory
Shadowrun Sixth World Tarot Deluxe, Catalyst Game Labs
Starfinder GM Screen, Paizo Inc.
Arcane Scrollworks, SkeletonKey Games
Conan GM Screen, Modiphius Entertainment *Silver Winner*
Hex Kit, Cone of Negative Energy *Gold Winner*
Best Art, Cover
Down Darker Trails, Chaosium Inc. Artist: Sam Lamont
Conan: Conan the Barbarian, Modiphius Entertainment Artist: Phrolian Gardner
Symbaroum: Karvosti – The Witch Hammer, Järnringen Artist: Martin Grip
Critical Role: Tal’Dorei Campaign Setting, Green Ronin Publishing Artist: Aaron Riley *Silver Winner*
Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios Artist: Brennen Reece *Gold Winner*
Best Art, Interior
The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth, Christopher Grey Artist: Robert Hebert
Atlas Animalia, Metal Weave Games Artist: Sarah Dahlinger
Starfinder Core Rulebook, Paizo Inc. Artists: Alexandur Alexandrov, David Alvarez, Rogier van de Beek, Leonardo Borazio, Tomasz Chistowski, Taylor Fischer, David Franco Campos, Sebastien Hue, Guido Kuip, Robert Lazzaretti, Mikaël Léger, Víctor Manuel Leza Moreno, Setiawan Lie, Damien Mammoliti, David Melvin, Mark Molnar, Mirco Paganessi, Jose Parodi, Miroslav Petrov, Hugh Pindur, Roberto Pitturru, Pixoloid Studios (Aleksandr Dochkin, Nothof Ferenc, Gaspar Gombos, David Metzger, and Mark Molnar), Maichol Quinto, Pavel Rtishev, Connor Sheehan, Firat Solhan, Remko Troost, Leon Tukker, Ben Wootten, Joshua Wright
Frostbitten and Mutilated, Lamentations of the Flame Princess Artist: Zak Smith *Silver Winner*
City of Mist, Son of Oak Game Studio Artist: Marcin Soboń, Mariusz Sculz, Ario Murti, Carlos Gomes Cabral, Monsters Pit *Gold Winner*
Best Blog
Campaign Mastery
Dice Geeks
Elven Tower
Sly Flourish *Silver Winner*
Gnome Stew -The Gaming Blog *Gold Winner*
Best Cartography
Oath of the Frozen King, Absolute Tabletop Cartographers: Jon Pintar, Nate Vanderzee (Sellsword Maps), Joe Bilton and Sarah Bilton (Heroic Maps)
Freedom City 3rd Edition, Green Ronin Publishing Cartographers: Rick Achberger, Phillip Lienau, Sean Macdonald, Chris West
City of Mist: Location Maps, Son of Oak Game Studio Cartographer: Mariusz Szulc
Starfinder Pact Worlds, Paizo Inc. Cartographer: Damien Mammoliti *Silver Winner*
The Midderlands – An OSR Setting & Bestiary, MonkeyBlood Design & Publishing Cartographer: Glynn Seal *Gold Winner*
Best Electronic Book
Spheres of Might, Drop Dead Studios
On the Air, Spectrum Games
Hudson and Brand, Inquiry Agents of the Obscure, Stygian Fox Publishing
Scenario from Ontario, Dungeons and Donuts *Silver Winner*
Delta Green: A Night at the Opera, Arc Dream Publishing *Gold Winner*
Best Family Product
Storm Hollow, Game Salute / Escapade Games
A Feast of Flavor, Legendary Games
I’m a Guide, Monte Cook Games
Heavy Metal Thunder Mouse, Shoreless Skies Publishing *Silver Winner*
Khan of Khans, Chaosium Inc. *Gold Winner*
Best Free Game
Esper Genesis Basic Rules, Alligator Alley Entertainment
Modos 2, Michael Terlisner
Forthright Open Roleplay Creative Commons Edition, Room 209 Gaming
Saga of the Goblin Horde, Zadmar Games *Silver Winner*
High Plains Samurai: Legends, Broken Ruler Games *Gold Winner*
Best Free Product
Vaginas are Magic, Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Starfinder First Contact, Paizo Inc.
Eclipse Phase Second Edition: Quick-Start Rules, Posthuman Studios
Tabletop Audio – Original Ambiences and Interactive Sounds, Tabletop Audio *Silver Winner*
Runequest: Quickstart Rules and Adventure, Chaosium Inc. *Gold Winner*
Best Game
Blades in the Dark, Evil Hat Productions Author: John Harper
Red Markets: A Game of Economic Horror, Hebanon Games Authors: Caleb Stokes, Laura Briskin-Limehouse, Ross Payton
Vurt: The Tabletop Roleplaying Game, Ravendesk Games Authors: Alexander Lepera, Lee Pruitt
Delta Green: The RPG, Arc Dream Publishing Authors: Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, Christopher Gunning, Kenneth Hite, Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze *Silver Winner*
Zweihänder Grim & Perilous RPG, Grim & Perilous Studios Author: Daniel D. Fox *Gold Winner*
Best Miniature Product
Distant Frontiers Poster Map Set, Christopher West’s Maps of Mastery
Ma’al Drakar the Dragon Tyrant, Reaper Miniatures
City of Mist: Location Maps, Son of Oak Game Studio
Double-Sided Dry-Erase Tiles, Gaming Paper *Silver Winner*
Star Trek Adventures Miniatures: The Next Generation, Modiphius Entertainment *Gold Winner*
Best Monster/Adversary
Freedom City 3rd Edition, Green Ronin Publishing Authors: Steve Kenson, Scott Bennie, DT Butchino, Shawn Carman, Crystal Frasier, Chris Huff, Sean Johnson, Seth Johnson, John Maniha, Professor Christopher
Uh-Oh Monsters, Monte Cook Games Author: Shanna Germain
Starfinder Alien Archive, Paizo Inc. Authors: John Compton, Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Jason Keeley, Jonathan H. Keith, Steve Kenson, Isabelle Lee, Lyz Liddell, Robert G. McCreary, Mark Moreland, Joe Pasini, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Josh Vogt
Down Darker Trails, Chaosium Inc. Authors: Kevin Ross, Mike Mason, Scott David Aniolowski, David Cole, Todd Woods *Silver Winner*
Frostbitten and Mutilated, Lamentations of the Flame Princess Author: Zak Smith *Gold Winner*
Best Organized Play
Bleeding Gate: Amalgamation, Ma’at Crook
Best Friends Forever, Rob Silva
Wreckers, William Beers
End of the Line, Michael Maenza *Silver Winner*
Lost Tales of Myth Drannor, D&D Adventurers League, Greg Marks, Robert Adducci, Bill Benham, Travis Woodall, Claire Hoffman, Alan Patrick *Gold Winner*
Best Podcast
Rey and Kiel Can Do!, Dungeons and Donuts
Fandible Actual Play Podcast, Fandible
Hobbs and Friends of the OSR, Misdirected Mark
Fear of a Black Dragon, Fear of a Black Dragon *Silver Winner*
Miskatonic University Podcast, Miskatonic University Podcast *Gold Winner*
Best Production Values
The Grand Grimoire of Cthulhu Mythos Magic, Chaosium Inc.
Sentinel Comics RPG Starter Kit, Greater Than Games
Bluebeard’s Bride, Magpie Games
Star Trek Adventures: Collectors Edition Core Rulebook, Modiphius Entertainment *Silver Winner*
Delta Green: The RPG, Arc Dream Publishing *Gold Winner*
Best RPG Related Product
Storm Hollow, Game Salute / Escapade Games
Friendly Local Game Store, Gameplaywright
#feminism, Pelgrane Press
Dresden Files Cooperative Card Game, Evil Hat Productions *Silver Winner*
Khan of Khans, Chaosium Inc. *Gold Winner*
Best Rules
Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios Authors: Chris Spivey, Ruth Tillman, Bob Geis, Sarah Hood, Neall Raemonn Price
Cthulhu Confidential, Pelgrane Press Authors: Robin D. Laws, Chris Spivey, Ruth Tillman
Torg Eternity: Core Rules, Ulisses Spiele Authors: Shane Lacy Hensley, Darrell Hayhurst, Markus Plötz, Dean Gilbert, Ross Watson
Star Trek Adventures: Core Rulebook, Modiphius Entertainment Authors: Dave Chapman, Jim Johnson, Patrick Goodman, Ross Isaacs, Bill Maxwell, Jonathan Breese, Nathan Dowdell, John Snead, Oz Mills, Aaron Pollyea, Rob Wieland, Ade Smith, Anthony Jennings, Dan Taylor, Dayton Ward, Michael Brophy, Giles Pritchard, Maggie Carroll, Steven Creech, Shawn Merwin, Sam Webb, Jacob Ross *Silver Winner*
Delta Green: The RPG, Arc Dream Publishing Authors: Dennis Detwiller, Adam Scott Glancy, Christopher Gunning, Kenneth Hite, Shane Ivey, Greg Stolze *Gold Winner*
Best Setting
Freedom City 3rd Edition, Green Ronin Publishing Authors: Steve Kenson, Scott Bennie, DT Butchino, Shawn Carman, Crystal Frasier, Chris Huff, Sean Johnson, Seth Johnson, John Maniha, Professor Christopher McGlothlin, Steven E. Schend, Lucien Soulban, Aaron Sullivan
Predation, Monte Cook Games Author: Shanna Germain
Starfinder Pact Worlds, Paizo Inc. Authors: Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, John Compton, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Thurston Hillman, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Jonathan Keith, Steve Kenson, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor
Frostbitten and Mutilated, Lamentations of the Flame Princess Author: Zak Smith *Silver Winner*
Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios Authors: Chris Spivey, Ruth Tillman, Bob Geis, Sarah Hood, Neall Raemonn Price *Gold Winner*
Best Supplement
Doctor Who RPG – The Black Archive, Cubicle Seven Entertainment Ltd. Authors: Walt Ciechanowski, Andrew Peregrine
Holy Crap: the Great Sects Change Operation, Mutha Oith Productions Author: Andy Hopp
Starfinder Pact Worlds, Paizo Inc. Authors: Alexander Augunas, Judy Bauer, Robert Brookes, Jason Bulmahn, John Compton, Amanda Hamon Kunz, Thurston Hillman, Mikko Kallio, Jason Keeley, Jonathan Keith, Steve Kenson, Lyz Liddell, Ron Lundeen, Robert G. McCreary, David N. Ross, Owen K.C. Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor
Shadowrun Dark Terrors, Catalyst Game Labs Authors: Brooke Chang, Kevin Czarnecki, Jason M. Hardy, Alexander Kadar, Adam Large, O.C. Presley, Scott Schletz, Dylan Stengel, R.J. Thomas, Amy Veeres *Silver Winner*
Reign of Terror, Chaosium Inc. Authors: Mark Morrison, Penelope Love, James Coquillat, Darren Watson *Gold Winner*
Best Website, AAW Games
Up to Four Players, Up to Four Players
Story Beats, Northland Creative Wonders
Elven Tower Website, Elven Tower Website *Silver Winner*
Blades in the Dark SRD, Amazing Rando Design *Gold Winner*
Best Writing
Delta Green: The Way it Went Down, Arc Dream Publishing Author: Dennis Detwiller
Holy Crap: the Great Sects Change Operation, Mutha Oith Productions Author: Andy Hopp
Monsters, Growling Door Games, Inc. Author: Matthew McFarland
Frostbitten and Mutilated, Lamentations of the Flame Princess Author: Zak Smith *Silver Winner*
Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios Author: Chris Spivey, Ruth Tillman, Bob Geis, Sarah Hood, Neall Raemonn Price *Gold Winner*
Product of the Year
The Happiest Apocalypse on Earth, Christopher Grey
Harlem Unbound, Darker Hue Studios
Blades in the Dark, Evil Hat Productions
Freedom City 3rd Edition, Green Ronin Publishing
Frostbitten and Mutilated, Lamentations of the Flame Princess
Star Trek Adventures: Collectors Edition Core Rulebook, Modiphius Entertainment
Starfinder Core Rulebook, Paizo Inc.
The Dark of Hot Springs Island, Swordfish Islands
Delta Green: The RPG, Arc Dream Publishing *Silver Winner*
Zweihänder Grim & Perilous RPG, Grim & Perilous Studios *Gold Winner*
Judges’ Spotlight Winners
Reece Carter: Fever Swamp, Melsonian Arts Council
Sean McCoy: Operation Unfathomable, Hydra Cooperative
Brian Nowak: FAITH – The Sci-Fi RPG 2.0, Burning Games
Denise Robinson: Winterhorn, Bully Pulpit Games
Kurt Wiegel: Pip System Corebook, Third Eye Games Author: Carol Darnell, Eloy Lasanta, Crystal Mazur, Derek Kamal, John D. Kennedy, Martin Manco, Amanda Milner, Jacob Wood