You may submit either a print copy of your product or an electronic copy of your product, but not both.
To enter, please do the following:
- Fill out the online submission form whether you are shipping products or submitting them electronically.
- Read through the rest of this page.
- If submitting an electronic product, send it to with the following guidelines:
- If your total attachment size is under 20MB, attach your product to the email directly.
- If your total attachment size exceeds 20MB, or your product requires an .exe file to operate, include a hyperlink in your email which will link directly to the content to be downloaded. Make sure that product for download is immediately visible. Judges should not have to search for the submissions.
- Podcasts: You must send a link to your site and also a link to a clip no longer than fifteen minutes representing the best of the podcast. The judges will use that as the foundation to reviewing the podcast submissions. Judges will then go listen to additional segments as they see fit to determine the final nominations.
- Blogs: You must send a link to your site and also a link to the best “must-read” article/issue. The judges will select another “must-read” article/issue that they all read. Each judge will then select another article/issue.
Print Products: Ready and ship six copies of each product. You’ll be provided a link to pre-made address labels with your submission confirmation. We need six copies of each title: one for each judge and one for the “6th Copy” which is used as reference material for the Board of Directors during the judging period, for display purposes at Gen Con Indy, and possibly for fund raising purposes.
Publishers who have already sent a review copy to an ENnies judge for review do not need to send an additional copy.
THE FINE PRINT: Please note that all six of the copies of the product submitted be the ENnies must be the same as the versions largely available to the public. For example, if two judges received a pre-release review copy of a book at Gen Con, that publisher need only send out four more copies – one for the “6th Pile”, and three to the other judges. If the only difference between the pre-release edition of the book and the full release is something that could be easily rectified, for example the pre-release was missing a map, then the publisher can make up the difference by supplying said map; they needn’t send out an entirely new copy of the whole book. If however the publisher put out a Deluxe Edition of the book, if they wish that edition to be considered, they must supply six copies of the Deluxe Edition of the book.